September 26th 1991, I came into this world with a cute white chubby face. Yeah, I was a chubby kid. Anyway fast forward to the day of my first primary school in S.K Taman Senangan. Frankly speaking, I was quite a looser back then. I was bullied by other kid because of my skinny body posture. They always make fun of me and call names. Hate that. Sheesh!! Luckily, I had 5 close friends who always there with me. They kind off a body guard. Haha.

Since I started to be involved in the school basketball, it has totally change my life. My popularity rose up as I enter the school basketball team and I was the only malay who manage to join, and support by the fact I ws a school prefect. My first duty, and it kind of make everyone knows me. Hehe.

Then finally, I moved to S.M.S Tuanku Syed Putra my last secondary school before I went to my present college Kolej Bandar Utama. Oh yeah, I was also selected for the National Service. Well through all of my life, I make many friends and mostly teach me a lot about life.
The Friends
People say, friends are acompanion in our life. Where, we can find joy andlaughter. Where, we can find shelter and a place to argue and complain. Where, it create a lot of memories in life. My first close friends was in my primary school; Nazmi, Najmi, Azril, Azri, and Iqbal. We always hang out together. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find any picture of them to put in. Damn.
Anyway, In my secondary school in Dato’ Onn, there, I met Ahmad Syauqi. My bestest friend ever. We were the same class for three amazing years and always there side by side. We looove to sketch and draw compete with each other whose better. We always compete in everything, games, sport. But he always won when it comes to computer games or any other games. He was the king of game during that time. I can only beat him in sports. Haha.
Next , Nur Shamiza Amira. Spectacle, cute, cool and most importantly, a simple person. Nice. She was a genius in school. People say, “no need to study pown boley score oo” haha.. That’s the word I can describe about her. She was quite a shy and quiet person. Very a Manchester United fan. Love to study. And a very closed friend to me.
There was a time of misunderstanding, and we fought. But, she was always there for me, even now when I’m at my college facing problems. Giving me the strength to carry on. Her best friend was also my close friend, Miss Syafeena Rais. Hehe. Another genius who love books. The one who has helped me in my math during my PMR. =)
(Alip flirting with Miza while feena is sleeping.. haha..)
Then, in Syed Putra or better known as Sytra, I met five, make it six best friends. Alip. The first one help me tour-guide me in my new school. Another gifted genius. No need to study at all and just sleep. But still, straight A’s. And now, he is studying in Intec Uitm with miza and syafeena.
Mr Radzi Razali, tough, brave and always love to fight.
But deep in his heart, he was a loving person.
A big brother to me. Who will always protect his loved one especially his friend, like me.Haha
He’s still his studying in Uitm Penang. Hazam or also known as Fabe, a basketballer, friendly, fun and sporting.
Love his parent a lot and always help mein my study for SPM.

Currently, he is studying medic in Alexandria University. Together with me, radzi and fabe, we made the Phyton Playaz Crew. My first dance crew. BBoy. Yea.
The girls, lovely. I love them so much. Miss Eizzaty Zakaria (Kak Yong) and Miss Azwa Abdrahim (Kak Cik). Small and cute. Understanding and knows me very2 well. They are always there for me and I always called them if I need help and share my problems. Kak Yong was kind of a big sister to me where she will always scold me even if I was sad. “garang”. In fact, she is the commando in her university marching club. However., she is also a caring person to her family. Hehe..Kak Cik pulak, my little sister. Even though she was born earlier than me. She loves Kamen Rider. Every time I had my problem, I will always look for them.

Miss Hazwani, also known as Nani. Cheerful, talkative fun to argue. A shopaholic because she love to read “Shophaolic”. Hehe. I admit that we have always argue with each other because of lot of isssues. But it was fun. Another person who I can really count on. Love green so much that I called her, Shrek. Unfortunately, she would me Fiona. A best friend who will always answer my calls and waste time and money arguing and sharing. Someone that I can really be myself. Ahaks.

Finally and currently, friends in my college.
Mr. Imran. Very very the friendly. Love to make friends and mix around. Loves to hang out with friends. Hujan lovers. Loves to enjoy and have fun. Love to rush for the bus. And always try to please his friend. A friend who I can really express myself in this college.
Nur Fitrah Salim a.k.a. Pp. Described as small and cute also. A very2 simple person. Love to play a round and loves to make friends also. But often, people misinterpret her intention of making friends. She loves Ice Lemon Tea. Don’t like Tiger biscuit. And most importantly, loves doll. But not Barbie dolls. I guess.
Hazlinda. Pinky girl. Everything for her is pink. Loves to watch movie. Look like a Chinese but don’t really know how to speak Chinese. Loves cute2 stuff.
Nur Elia Anuar, a hyperly active girl who loves to sail and play with water. I respect her for he great talent in sailing and in managing her time for her study. Nur Atikah Sobri with her quote, “Apo heng ni!”. Loves to laugh. A very2 very genius girl who can even sleep during the SPM Add math paper. We had a fun memories hanging out at Putrajaya last year, celebrating the end of ielts. We went for sailing with elia and it was stupendous. I really miss that time when we all were very closed and had fun. But I think I really2 blew it. Hmm.
Anyway, there also group of guys and girls that are very interesting in their own way. Such as the hostelian; Najib, Haris, Fahman. The gang, where I can really be crazy. Dota fans. Haha..
The players; Goloque, Femau,…
The Brothers; Ibad, Afiq, Aqil, Ady
The 192 girls; Nur fateha, Raihanah, Sherina, Shareen and others…
In the nutshell, I am still in touch with most of my best friend. People say, we can only have one or two best friends, but it seems to me, I have countess of them. Having friends, fight and creates memories, shares the fun and laughter, and having someone to rely to. The words friends means a lot to me and i am still searching for it. Yeah, I think I can say, that I am lucky.
"There was a time of misunderstanding, and we fought."
zhaff, no matter how bad we fought, our frenship will remain forever.
missing you, dude. :)
Thanx 4 da support..
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