Saturday, August 14, 2010


In the middle of a night...

Waah.. stelah skian lame x mlukis.. akhirnyaa... lpas gram n rndu .. mnonjolkan bakat.. haha... thanx to RMIT... Well.. kami di haruskan melakukan ala mcm graphic proposal utk msuk ke RMIT.. better known by archees stud.. "remit".. heck... Besh la jgak.. mlyan.. mmbuang msa mlukis... even... still.. x siap dye nye personal statement...ahaks..

Nway.... things still going on... i'm still confused.. x taw.. btol ke... slah ke.. fikiran bercelaru.. tp ak refused to think bout it... but still.. every night.. ku berfikir.. apa mslah aku... what is my problem...
dalam hati ni... marah ade.. geram ade.. nyesal ade... bersalah ade.. takut ade.. fed up pown ade.. most entirely, x puas ati... tp.. what the heck...

although aku da x speak.. talk.. or tgur... mlas nk lyan.... still.. almost evrynight ak update blog dye.. tertanya2 .. cmne la dye rini.. ntah r.. i think... a friend.. will still be a friend.. x kan ilang... aku ssah nk lpakan org... tp x taw la what's up on the other side.. heh..

xnak pk... xnk pning.. xnak kcoh sal bnda neyh... tp .. lumrah aku.. aku still buat bnda tuh.. still mrosakkan dri.. stil seksa dri... xde benefit lgsung... haha...

ape la yg aku bbel mmlm buta neyh.. org kate..
The only way to avoid getting poison by a snake..
Is to kill the snake right a way..


The only way utk mngelakkan dri sum1 yg unpleasant.. annoying.. most of all.. mlut clupar..
Is to shut him up...

Am i right..

What the heck... peace..

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